Advanced Renamer 3.6

Free A powerful tool that allows you to rename lots of files and folders in one go
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

This is a powerful tool that allows you to rename lots of files and folders in one go. It offers you 14 renaming methods designed to yield such varied results as changing the case, adding prefixes or suffixes, and adding a sequential numbering to existing file names. This tool can also extract metadata from your image, audio, and video files, and use it to create new file names. Moreover, you can also use Advanced Renamer to copy or move your files and folders, and to change some of their attributes in batches.

Due to the amount of elements and controls present in the program's main window, it is not really a very easy to use tool but it offers endless possibilities. You can combine two or more renaming methods in a single batch renaming operation. Besides, the program allows you to preview the results before actually renaming your files and/or folders, and if things go wrong anyway, you can also undo the entire batch renaming process. Some of the renaming methods provided by Advanced Renamer are add new name or new case, remove pattern, renumber, replace, swap, trim, and time stamp. You can even create your own renaming scripts, which might be very useful for more expert users. Finally, you can save your combined renaming methods and their settings and reuse them in the future.

Basically, the program's main window consists of two panels. On the left panel, you can add and configure your desired renaming methods. The right panel, on the other hand, includes two tabs to select the source files and folders to be renamed, respectively. As I stated before, the program is capable of using the information in your media files to rename them. This means, for example, that you can use the program to organize your entire music collection by renaming the files based on their ID3 tags. Of course, if you are not satisfied with the results, you can always reverse the process.

All in all, Advanced Renamer is a sophisticated tool that allows you to rename multiple files and folders via a wide variety of helpful methods. Whether you need to modify the existing file/folder names slightly or you need to change them completely, Advanced Renamer will surely fit all your renaming needs.

RS Senior editor
Ricardo Soria
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Supports batch file/folder renaming
  • Offers you 14 renaming methods
  • Allows you to combine two or more methods in a single renaming task
  • Allows you to copy, move, and change the attributes of your files/folders in batches
  • You can preview the renaming results
  • You can undo the entire batch renaming process
  • Allows you to save the combined renaming methods and their settings for future use
  • Capable of renaming your media files from their metadata information


  • A bit hard to use
  • Poor visual design

Comments (1)

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Your vote:

The greatest program I have ever found for the biggest problems I always had. I always want to have my file list clean and nice but now I had about 300 songs all with numbers in front of them. I googled and found this program and it works superb, you can do a lot with it, I will be using this program. Keep up the good work guys when I got some spare changes on my Paypal it's going to you.

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