If ever in need of organizing a large number of files and folders in a limited amount of time, Advanced Renamer can help you encode them with the right name and attributes in just a few clicks. The high level of flexibility that the program provides will help you design your made-to-measure renaming profiles and to combine as many of them as you wish to achieve your most demanding requirements.
Though equally useful for a handful of files or folders, it is when dealing with large amounts of files that this utility really shines. Besides, if you really want to master its many capabilities and be able to perform the most amazing file-renaming tasks in one single operation, it may take a certain learning curve. The program offers you up to 14 different methods to change names, attributes, and timestamps, by combining selected bits of information from the existing name and whatever file tags it carries with your own texts. Each of these methods can be thoroughly customized and combined to fit your specific needs, and files can also be copied or moved to a different location after being properly renamed.
Due to the complexity of some of these renaming functions, Advanced Renamer has been designed so that you can always check the results before actually making any changes. If, despite this useful function, you make changes you’re not too happy about, you can always rely on its powerful undo function that will let you go back step by step, rolling back any of the various operations performed in the most seamless way. more
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